That approach confirmed the worst fears of hip-hop purists about how the music might hit the mainstream. Hammer builds the majority of the songs here on obvious samples from easily recognizable soul and funk hits of the past, relying on the original hooks without twisting them into anything new (or, by implication, his own). But in an art form so conscious of preserving its integrity, this wasn't the way to go about it - at least not from a creative standpoint. But whatever, just download the goddamn mp3.Still the biggest-selling rap album of all time at ten million copies (though the Beastie Boys' Licensed to Ill is gaining rapidly), Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em proved that rap music was no longer just a specialty niche genre, but had the crossover potential to be a commercial juggernaut. Now that I think of it them hating on Krs was quite a foreshadowing of what I would come to do 11 years later. Rodney and Joe also talk some shit on MC Hammer, KRS-One and others. Other notable tracks were “Humps For the Boulevard,” “Chase The Bass,” and “Sounds Of The Underground.” One of my favorite things about this album is just how much shit they talk about New York, this was also around the time Ice Cube began his anti new york stance because NYC radio wouldn’t play their shit. I don’t know about other areas but the lead single off the album “ You Don’t Hear Me Tho” was in constant rotation on Phoenix radio. I’ve played this tape so many fucking times that I still have most of it memorized. Thankfully my pops didn’t give a shit what I listened to and rolled with. In 1993 I had to get my dad to come with me to buy the tape because the dipshit at the recordstore refused to sell me the tape without parental approval. The duo was primarily known for their song Everlasting Bass and while Fuck New York may not be one of their biggest hits or even that great an album I fucking love this record. This is Rodney O and Joe Cooley‘s 1993 album titled Fuck New York.